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Date:2017/11/08 | View:

  In order to establish a model and honor commendation, and that all union members play an even greater role in encouraging the grassroots labor union organizations and labor union workers to fully accomplish the objectives and tasks proposed by the third party congress of the university, the following union members were recommended as activists for 2016-2017 labor union activities to participate in school selection after the union group nomination and a collective discussion our labor union:

  Shao Shanshan  Wang Ruoping   Chen Liao    Wu Xiaohui
  Qian Weidong   Guo Chenhai    Wang Pan    Xu Zhengping
  Lu Ying     Zhang Houzhong  Liang Chen   Liang Jun
  Zhang Du     Ma Jinlin     Liu Qingchao

  The union members above, please submit the tables (paper and electronic version, from group files) of activists of union activities to Wu Qiu before 3 o'clock on the afternoon of October 9.

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