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The Exchange Student Röll Andreas Was Invited to give An Academic Report by School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering
Date:2016/06/16 | View:

In the afternoon of June 15th, 2016, the exchange student from the German East Bavaria (Amberg - Weiden) University of Technology (OTH), Röll Andreas who came to visit and study, gave an academic report entitled Investigating Diesel Engine Emissions Using Alternative Fuel in the meeting room 310 of School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering. Some teachers and students of the institute listened to the report,which was chaired by Professor Luo Fuqiang, Party Secretary of the School of Automotive.


OTH and our college  maintained a close contact and cooperation relationship for a long period of time, Andreas came to study in School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering as an exchange student in April this year. During the time of study, Andreas learnt the effect of PODE3-8 as a substitute fuel on engine emission performance under the guidance of Professor Sun Ping in the engine emission laboratory of the School.

In the meeting of report, firstly, Andreas introduced the current energy crisis and serious emissions situation, analysed the advantages of using alternative fuels as the new energy to reduce engine emissions; then, he focused on the influence of engine NOx and PM emissions and engine thermal efficiency by using PODE3-8 as the alternative fuel; finally, he concluded that PODE3-8 had great potential in reducing engine emissions as the alternative fuel, which could be continued to do in-depth research. After the report, Andreas, Professor Luo, Professor Sun and students interacted with each other, the students put forward questions, and Andreas answered one by one in detail. At last, Andreas expressed his gratitude towards the support and help from the teachers and students of our institute during his study.

The atmosphere of whole academic report was harmonious, teachers and students had a deeper understanding of the research of using engine alternative fuel to reduce emissions, and the report broadened everyone’s academic perspective and created a good academic atmosphere.

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