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Signing ceremony of part-time postgraduate class jointly built by our institute and Zhangjiagang Great Wall Motor And Industry University Research Cooperation Association
Date:2021/07/17 | View:

On July 16, Qi Yuanbo, general manager of Zhangjiagang Great Wall Motor R & D Co., Ltd., Li Baohua, director of human resources department, and Zhu Liping, Vice Minister of quality and Technology Department, went to our institute to participate in the signing ceremony of jointly building a part-time graduate class. Yin Bifeng, President, Ding Hua, director of vehicle engineering department, Dong Fei, director of power mechanical engineering department, and Yang Xiaofeng, director of administrative office attended the signing ceremony.

President Yin Bifeng delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the college and introduced the development of the college in recent years from the aspects of talent training, discipline characteristics and industry university research cooperation. Then, Minister Li Baohua introduced the basic profile, product layout, talent strategy and future vision of Zhangjiagang Great Wall Motor R & D Co., Ltd. Great Wall Motors has a global R & D system of "seven countries and ten places" and a global production pattern of "11 + 5". Zhangjiagang technology center is committed to the R & D of high-level new energy and automatic driving models. It is a R & D center with the whole process. General manager Qi Yuanbo said that Great Wall Motors needs talents with solid basic quality and breakthrough in forward-looking technology.

Subsequently, a signing ceremony was held to jointly build a part-time graduate class. President Yin Bifeng and general manager Qi Yuanbo signed a school enterprise cooperation agreement. President Yin Bifeng said that part-time postgraduates are trained by enterprises, which not only reflects the attention of colleges and universities to talent training, but also meets the desire of enterprises for talents. This cooperation is a preliminary attempt to promote the collaborative education mode between schools and enterprises, and is of great significance to improve the training quality and employment quality of postgraduates. It is hoped that through this cooperation, we will further strengthen the construction of enterprise tutors in Colleges and universities, narrow the gap between colleges and enterprises, promote the transformation of enterprises from simple employment to "simultaneous employment and training", and achieve win-win results for students, schools and enterprises.

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