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Jiangsu Chaoli Formula Racing Team of our school made great achievements in the 2017 China Formula Series Series
Date:2017/11/20 | View:

From November 12th to November 17th, all the team members and supervisors of Jiangsu Chaoli Formula Racing Team of Jiangsu University participated in the 2017 China Formula Student Automobile Competition in Xiangyang, Hubei Province. The China Formula One Automobile Contest, sponsored by China Society of Automotive Engineers, aims to train engineering practice, technological innovation and teamwork skills of students majoring in automobiles and related disciplines. It is required that each participating team produce a match that meets the requirements of the competition rules every year to participate in the static defense and Dynamic competition. The competition attracted 128 teams from hundreds of colleges and universities nationwide, including 78 oil tankers, 43 trams and 7 unmanned vehicles.

The competition took 5 days. With the efforts of all the team members, Jiangsu Chaoli Racing Team was one of the founding teams of the event and successfully completed all the competitions. In the static game: the third in the marketing report, the fifth in the design report, the 27th in the cost report and the fourth in the static competition. Dynamic aspects: 8 word winding around the 19th, high-speed obstacle avoidance 31st, endurance race 16th. In the meantime, due to the technical shortcomings of the time-lapse equipment of the linear acceleration project, the Arbitration Commission has already made the arbitration results not included in the rankings on the basis of the average basic scores into the total scores. Eventually, the 2017 Jiangsu University Jiangsu Super Formula Racing Team finished 33rd in the country with a penalty of last season, winning the 16th best result in the country.

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