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The method of fund management for students studying abroad in Jiangsu university

第一章  总则

Chapter 1  General Principles

第一条 为全面推进和实施高等教育国际化战略,进一步推动和鼓励我校学生赴海外学习,根据《江苏大学关于推进国际化工作的实施意见》(江大校〔2010359号)规定,学校特设立学生留学交流经费。为了做好经费的规范管理工作,特制定本办法。

Article 1  According to the implementation opinions of jiangsu university on promoting international work (jiangsu university [2010] no. 359), the school has set up a student exchange fund to comprehensively promote and implement the internationalization strategy of education, further promote and encourage our students to study overseas. The method is specially formulated in order to manage the funds.

第二条 专项经费首次投入500万元,用于资助我校学生赴海外留学交流或参加出国类外语考试。以后每年视实际情况追加投入。

Article 2  For the first time, the special funds will be invested in RMB 5 million to fund our university students to study abroad or to take foreign language examinations. After each year, fund will be added according to the actual situation.

第三条 本办法所指的赴海外学习包括赴海外公费或自费留学、参加国际学术会议、到境外学校(或经过学校认证的教育机构)进行交流学习、实习、实践(含专业实习、社会调研、文化交流、课程学习、假期带薪实习等)。

Article 3  Study abroad referred to in this method include overseas at public expense or at one's own expenses study abroad, participate in international academic conferences, to overseas schools (or after school certificate of education institutions) to communicate learning,  practice (including professional practice, social research, cultural exchange, course learning, paid holidays internship, etc.).

第四条 本办法所指的出国类外语考试包括雅思、托福、GREGMAT、德福/DSH、法语TEF/TCF、日语等级考试、韩国语能力考试等。

Article 4  The foreign language tests for going abroad referred to in this method include IELTS, TOEFF, GRE, GMAT, DSH, French TEF/TCF, Japanese proficiency test, Korean proficiency test, etc.

第二章  申请条件

Chapter 2 Application Requirement

第五条 取得我校学籍的中国籍全日制研究生、本科生。

Article 5  Full-time postgraduates and undergraduates in China who got our school roll archives.

第六条 热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,遵守宪法和法律,具有良好的政治和业务素质,组织观念强。

Article 6  Students must love the socialist motherland, support the leadership of the communist party of China, observe the constitution and the law, possess good political and business quality, as well as strong organizational concept.

第七条 诚实守信,道德品质优良,遵守学校各项规章制度,在校学习期间无违法违纪行为。

Article 7  Honest and trustworthy, good moral quality, abide by the rules and regulations of the school, no violation of law and discipline during the study period.

第八条 积极参加海外学习或出国类外语考试,获得学校资助后乐于为学校开展海外学习和出国类考试项目服务。

Article 8  Actively participating in overseas study or foreign language test, and willing to carry out overseas study and overseas examination program service for the school after receiving the school funding.

第九条  获得国家奖学金、国家励志奖学金、江苏省优秀学生干部、江苏省三好学生、校长奖学金、校三好标兵、江苏大学十佳青年学生、江苏大学励志之星等奖项、荣誉者,优先获得资助。

Article 10  Students who win honors as follows National scholarship, National Encouragement scholarship, Excellent Student Leader in Jiangsu province, All-round good student, President Scholarship, All-round good model, Top ten students of jiangsu university, The inspirational star of Jiangsu university have priority access fund.

第三章  赴海外学习资助标准

Chapter 3  Overseas Study And Funding Standards

第十条 学生在校期间或毕业当年赴海外留学,资助标准如下:

Article 10  The funding standards of students who studying abroad during school period or in graduation year are as follows:

(一)赴全球排名300名以内的学校,或ESI国际学科排名全球前1%的学科,或QS World University Rankings by SubjectSocial Sciences类别排名前200名的学科,攻读上一级学位的,学校资助每人30000元;攻读同一级学位的,学校资助每人10000元。

1.  Students who study abroad in global rankings within 300 schools, or ESI international top 1% of the disciplines, or QS World University Rankings by Subject of Social Sciences category in the top 200 subjects, will required reimbursement from school----study for a higher degree will be reimbursed 30000 yuan, same degree 10000 yuan per person.

(二)赴全球排名300名以外的学校,或ESI国际学科排名全球前1%以外的学科,或QS World University Rankings by SubjectSocial Sciences类别排名前200名以外的学科,攻读上一级学位的,学校资助每人6000元;攻读同一级学位的,学校资助每人2000元。

2.  Students who study abroad in global rankings 300 outside of school, or ESI international top 1% outside of disciplines, or QS World University Rankings by Subject of Social Sciences category outside of the top 200 discipline, will required reimbursement from school----study for a higher degree will be reimbursed 6000 yuan, same degree 2000 yuan per person.


3.  Students study in Japan: financial aid policies are same as1.and 2. in this article if they can get a college OFFER and enroll of the university; financial aid policy is same as article 14 in this method if they only to attend language schools in Japan. The school will further fund the balance If they receive a university OFFER enroll after required reimbursement of studying language school in Japan.

(四)以学生申请资助时最新的《上海交通大学世界大学学术排名》作为留学学校全球排名标准;以学生申请资助时最新一期的ESI国际学科排名作为学科排名标准;以学生申请资助时最新的QS World University Rankings by SubjectSocial Sciences类别排名作为文科类学科排名标准。

4.  Global ranking standard of study abroad schools is the latest <Academic Ranking of World Universities of SJTU> when students apply for funding; Discipline ranking standard is the latest issue of ESI international academic ranking when students apply for funding; Liberal arts category ranking standard is category ranking of the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject's Social Sciences when students apply for funding.

第十一条 学生应邀参加在海外举行的国际学术会议并做学术报告的,符合第九条条件且家庭经济困难学生学校资助会议费及国际旅费(以15000元为上限),其他学生学校资助10000元。

Article 11  Students who invited to attend international academic conference, make academic presentation and comply with article 9 will received subsidy. students with financial difficulties will be subsidized with no more than 15000 yuan, others 10000 yuan.

第十二条 学生参加在海外举行的“三国三校”国际学术研讨会,资助标准如下:

Article 12  Students participate in the international academic seminar of the three countries, which is held overseas. The funding standards are as follows:


1.  The international travel expenses of the selected participating students will be covered by the school.


2.  Funding students who attend at their own expense is the same as the Article 14 of the measures.

第十三条 学生到中国教育部认可的境外学校(或经过学校认证的教育机构)进行学年(学期)交流学习以及参加江苏高校学生境外学习政府奖学金项目,符合第九条条件者,学校资助每人10000元,获得校、院三好学生、优秀学生干部,学校资助每人5000元,其他学生学校资助每人3000元。

Article 13  Students to China's ministry of education approved outside school (or after school certificate of education institutions) for the academic year (term) exchange of learning and to participate in Jiangsu university students outside the government scholarship program, comply with article 9 of the conditions, will require school funding of 10000 yuan per person; Students who rewarded all-round good student of school level, excellent student leader will require financial aid of 5000 yuan per person, other students the school funds 3000 yuan per person.

第十四条 学生参加学校推荐的境外实习、实践项目(含专业实习、社会调研、文化交流、课程学习等),符合第九条条件者,学校资助每人5000元,获得校、院三好学生、优秀学生干部,学校资助每人3000元,其他学生学校资助每人2000元。

Article 14  Students who attended internship abroad/practice project school recommended (including professional practice, social investigation, cultural exchanges, courses, etc.),  and comply with article 9 of the conditions, will require school funding of 5000 yuan per person; Students who rewarded all-round good student of school level, excellent student leader will require financial aid of 3000 yuan per person, other students the school funds 2000 yuan per person.

第十五条 学生到境外参加学校推荐的假期带薪实习,符合第九条条件者,学校资助每人3000元,获得校、院三好学生、优秀学生干部,学校资助每人2000元,其他学生学校资助每人1000元。

Article 15  Students who attended holiday paid internship school recommend, comply with article 9 of the conditions, will require school funding of 3000 yuan per person; Students who rewarded all-round good student of school level, excellent student leader will require financial aid of 2000 yuan per person, other students the school funds 1000 yuan per person.

第十六条 一年级学生(含硕士研究生、本科生)赴海外学习,以选拔时间的当学年获得的奖项、荣誉作为资助标准。其他学生以选拔时间的上学年获得的奖项、荣誉作为资助标准。

Article 16 the first-year students (including master's and undergraduate students) will go overseas to study, and the awards and honors of the academic year will be selected for the time of selection. Other students receive awards, honors, and awards for academic year.

第十七条 学生在校期间只能获得一次资助,毕业当年赴海外留学者可增加1次资助。

Article 17 Students can only receive one subsidy at the time of school, and can increase the subsidy by one time in graduation year.

第四章 参加出国类外语考试资助标准

Chapter 4  Funding standards of participating in foreign language test

第十八条 在校期间获得相应的出国外语类考试成绩,报销标准如下:

Article 18  During school time, different foreign language examination results corresponding to different reimbursement standards as follows:

(一)雅思成绩6.5分及以上、托福成绩85分及以上、新GRE319分及以上、GMAT 600分及以上、德福4级或DSH二级及以上、法语TEF699分及以上、TCF380分及以上、日语等级考试2级及以上、韩国语能力考试9级及以上的学生,报销全部考试报名费用。

1.  Reimbursement of all examination feesscores of IELTS no less than 6.5, TOEFL no less than 85, new GRE no less than 319, GMAT no less than 600 points, TestDaF fourth level or DSH second level and above, French TEF no less than 699, TCF no less than 380, Korean, Japanese grade exam grade 2 or more ability to test students in grade 9 and above


2.  School reimburse half test registration: IELTS 6 points, TOEFL 79-84 points, new GRE 300-318 points, GMAT 580-599 points,Telford grade 3 or DSH first grade, French TEF 300-698 points, TCF 300-379, Japanese level 3, Korean grade 8. Once again taking the test after reimbursement, the school will further fund the balance if the standard 1. is reached.

第十九条 其他语种能力测试报销办法参照上一条款。

Article 19  Other language proficiency test reimbursement methods refer to the previous clause.

第二十条 学生在校期间参加出国外语类考试只能获得一次全额考试报名费资助。

Article 20  Students who participate in foreign language examinations at school can only get one full reimbursement of test fee.

第五章 申请程序         

Chapter 5  Application Procedures

第二十一条 学生到学生工作处申请资助须提供以下相关证明材料:

Article 21  Students are required to provide the following supporting documents to apply for funding from the student office:


1.  Student who study abroad during school period or in graduation year, need to provide the original admission letter for overseas study and other relevant certificates such as whether to obtain a scholarship to study abroad before leaving school and to submit registration certificate after register in the overseas school.


2.  Students who are invited to participate in international academic conferences held overseas and make academic reports, need to provide the original invitation letter and certificate of make academic report, and the original certificate of award in school.


3.  Students need to Provide the original of the selected notice and the original of the award certificate if they attend the meeting of “ 三国三校” held in overseas, or exchange and study to overseas friendly school and education institutions after school certificate or to overseas practice, (including professional practice, social investigation, cultural exchanges, study tour etc.) or  Government scholarship program of overseas study in universities in Jiangsu or to take a summer paid internship abroad.


4.  The students who take the foreign language examination and obtain the corresponding test scores need to provide the original transcript

第二十二条 学生工作处根据评选条件进行审核。

Article 22  The student affairs office reviews according to the selection criteria.

第二十三条 学生工作处将符合资助条件的学生名单、银行卡号及资助金额函告财务处,由财务处将资助款项一次性划入学生的银行卡内。

Article 23  The student affairs office will inform the finance office of information include student list, bank card numbers of students and the amount of patronage, which transferring funds into the student's bank card at one time .

第六章 附则

Chapter 6  Supplementary Articles

第二十四条  学生留学交流经费资助审核工作每季度进行一次。每季度结束后的7个工作日内将审核结果告知申请人。

Article 24  Examination of funding for student going abroad are conducted quarterly. The applicant shall be informed of the results within 7 working days after the end of each quarter.

第二十五条 学生工作处负责对经费进行管理,专款专用。

Article 25  The student work department is responsible for the management of funds--special funds for special use.

第二十六条  在校生在海外学习期间有下列情况之一者,学校将根据情况扣除部分或全额资助款项:

Article 26  The school will deduct some or all of the funds in case of any of the following circumstances :


1.  A sharp decline in academic performance.


2.  Violations of law and discipline


3.  Overstay

第二十七条 本办法没有列举但确需资助的情况按照相近条款,报学校批准后执行。

Article 27  Conditions that need to be funded but are not enumerated in this method should submit to the school for approval according to the similar provisions.

第二十八条 本办法由学生工作处负责解释,自发布之日起施行。其他与学生国际化资助有关的文件、制度与本办法不一致的,以本办法为准。

Article 28  This method is to be explained by the student work department and implemented since the date of promulgation. The present measures shall prevail if other documents and system related to the international financing of students inconsistent with this method.

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