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The School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering Held an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Guidance "Overseas Project Sharing Session" Special Lecture
Date:2020/10/23 | View:

         In order to strengthen innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of students and cultivate their international vision and mind, the School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering held an innovation and entrepreneurship guidance "Overseas Project Sharing Session" special lecture on the evening of October 10 in the 311 conference room of our school. Teacher Feng De, the quality education counselor of the college, gave a lecture, and nearly 100 undergraduates and postgraduates attended the lecture.


First of all, Teacher Feng gave a detailed introduction to the two projects of "Creative Engineering Design Competition (CEDC)" and "Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium ", and gave some constructive opinions to students of different grades. Then, Teacher Feng carefully interpreted the notification documents and the school funding policy. Finally, the two seniors who participated in the competition were specially invited by teachers to share their experience, explain some precautions and answer questions on the spot.

There was a strong communication atmosphere at the event. After the sharing, some students even had face-to-face communication with the seniors. And under the humility of the students, the seniors gave detailed answers to their questions and gave corresponding suggestions.

This event is one of the college’s innovation and entrepreneurship education lecture series, which aims to let more students learn about international innovation projects, enhance students’ passion for participating in innovation projects, and expand their international learning ideas and development horizons, provide experience inheritance for participation in international innovation events of our college.

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