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Oct 19th 11:00 AM: Academic Lecture by Prof. Xu Jin
Date:2020/10/16 | View:

² Topic: Driving Behavior Characteristics When Switching Complex Road Scenes

² Lecturer: Prof. Xu Jin

² Time: Oct 19th 11:00 AM

² Location: The School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Room 2311

² Organizers: The School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering

² Lecturer Profile:

Xu Jin, Doctor of Engineering, Postdoctor


n Professor of School of Transportation, Chongqing Jiaotong University

n PhD Tutor

n Postdoctoral Co-Mentor

n Chongqing Innovative leading talents

n Chongqing Academic Technology Leader

n Distinguished Professor of Chongqing Bayu Scholar

n Young Science and Technology Talents of Ministry of Transport (MOT)

n National Highway Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker

Main Research Directions:

n Mountain Road Traffic Safety

n Human-Vehicle-Road Elements Coupling

n Driving Behavior Analysis and Modeling

n Road Traffic Simulation Technology


n Undertake more than 20 subjects such as National Key R&D Program and General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China

n Publish more than 130 research papers, including more than 60 SCI/SSCI/EI journal papers and 1 monograph

n Develop 6 road design and safety evaluation software, authorize 18 patents and software copyrights

n Get multiple Science and Technology Awards, such as the Second Prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize of Science and Technology Award of China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association (ITS China), Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Progress Award

Teachers and students are welcome to participate!

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