《柴油/甲醇二元燃料燃烧理论与实践》参编,天津大学出版社,2015。 1. Junheng Liu, Anren Yao, Chunde Yao, Effects of diesel injection pressure on the performance and emissions of a HD common-rail diesel engine fueled with diesel/methanol dual fuel, Fuel, 2015, 140: 192-200 (SCI、IF=5.578、ESI高被引) 2. Junheng Liu, Lejian Wang, Ping Sun, Pan Wang, Yuqiang Li, Hongjie Ma, Pengcheng Wu, Zengguang Liu, Effects of iron-based fuel borne catalyst addition on microstructure, element composition and oxidation activity of diesel exhaust particles, Fuel, 2020, 270, 117597 (SCI、IF=5.578) 3. Junheng Liu, Jun Yang, Ping Sun, Wanying Gao, Chen Yang, Jia Fang, Compound combustion and pollutant emissions characteristics of a common-rail engine with ethanol homogeneous charge and polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers injection, Applied Energy, 2019, 239:1154-1162(SCI、IF=8.848) 4. Junheng Liu, Jun Yang, Ping Sun, Qian Ji, Jian Meng, Pan Wang, Experimental investigation of in-cylinder soot distribution and exhaust particle oxidation characteristics of a diesel engine with nano-CeO2 catalytic fuel, Energy, 2018, 161, 17-27 (SCI、IF=6.082) 5. Junheng Liu, Ping Sun, He Huang, Jian Meng, Xiaohua Yao, Experimental investigation on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a common-rail diesel engine fueled with polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers-diesel blends, Applied Energy, 2017, 202: 527-536(SCI、IF=8.848) 6. Junheng Liu, Anren Yao, Chunde Yao, Effects of injection timing on performance and emissions of a HD diesel engine with DMCC, Fuel, 2014, 134: 107-113 (SCI、IF=5.578) 7. Tianting Wang, Junheng Liu*, Ping Sun, Qian Ji, Wanying Gao, Chen Yang. Influence of injection parameters on combustion, gaseous emissions and particle size distribution of a CRDI diesel engine operating with PODE/diesel blends, Fuel, 2020, 281, 118733(SCI、IF=5.578) 8. He Huang, Junheng Liu*, Ping Sun, Song Ye, Bingxia Liu, Effects of Mn-doped ceria oxygen-storage material on oxidation activity of diesel soot, RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 7406-7412(SCI、IF=3.119) 9. He Huang, Junheng Liu*, Ping Sun, Song Ye, Study on the simultaneous reduction of diesel engine soot and NO with nano-CeO2 catalysts, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 102028-102034(SCI、IF=3.119) 10. Jian Meng, Junheng Liu*, Ping Sun, Yaofeng Wan, Yi Fan, Xue Xiao, Experimental investigation on particle number emission from diesel engine with bipolar discharge coagulation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233(6): 1524-1533(SCI、IF=1.384)